Discovering Your Real Estate Motivation: Key Questions to Ask Before Selling Your Home
As you contemplate selling your home, it’s crucial to delve into your motivations and understand your readiness. Here are some questions you might ask yourself.
What is my main reason for selling?
On a scale from 1-10, with 1 being the lowest, how motivated am I to sell my home?
On a scale from 1-10, with 1 being the lowest, how prepared am I to sell my home (or, how ready is my home to be on display)?
Am I planning to buy another home?
How important is location to me?
Am I moving out of the Atlanta area?
What type of property would best meet my needs?
Which is most important: (a) Timing (b) Price
What is my ideal timeline for selling my home?
When would I like to close on my home?
What will I do if my home closes within a month?
What will I do if my home closes within 6 months?
What will I do if my home doesn’t close within 6 months?
What is my budget for buying a new property?
What are the current market conditions?
How will selling my property impact my finances and taxes?
What are the potential risks and benefits of selling at this time?