Kick-off your real estate loan journey by obtaining your free Credit Report from all three major credit bureaus. Correct any errors to ensure you’re starting on solid ground. Maintain job stability during your real estate loan application process. Any sudden employment changes could cause a bump on the road to loan approval. Hit pause on […]
As an estate executor in Georgia, you have a legal obligation to give proper notice to interested parties in the estate. The specific requirements for giving notice in Georgia may vary depending on the circumstances of the estate. Here are some general guidelines for giving notice as an estate executor in Georgia: It’s important to […]
In Georgia, if you are the personal representative of a deceased person’s estate and the estate is going through probate, you are required to give notice to the deceased person’s creditors. This is done by publishing a creditor’s notice in Georgia, in a newspaper in the county where the deceased person lived. Here are the […]